How to smoke in Borniak Smokers

credit @east_island_bbqAfter the reel from yesterday, today Tom shares us the…

📷 credit @east_island_bbq

After the reel from yesterday, today Tom shares us the result, it looks so nice! 😋, thanks, Tom

📨@east_island_bbq share his experience as below:
My friends & grill buddies

When Borniak came, my first job was to freeze meat and off to dry & wet hells.

As you all know, this process takes a lot of time. After just under 2 weeks it was time and the Borniak could prove it.

Since the Borniak has a fan, I made the burn of meat in Borniak 150. 48h later with interval ventilation and heating, I was more than happy with the result.

The last phase, which only lasted 3.5h for hot smokers, followed by a day of rest, was spent.
But look at this super awesome result.
The taste, smell & look speaks for itself…
Bottom line -> The Borniak 150 (my BigBoss) has delivered cleanly and lived up to all promises and expectations.

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