How to smoke in Borniak Smokers

Italian mountain recipe | Pendole Smoked Beef in Borniak Smoker& recipe credi…

🇮🇹 Italian mountain recipe | Pendole Smoked Beef in Borniak Smoker

🎥 & recipe credit: @gdd_master_bbq

The “pendole” strips of smoked meat from an old traditional Italian recipe
from the northern mountains of the Dolomiti.

Once constituted, together with cheese, the usual food of all those who had to eat outside the home such as woodcutters, shepherds
and the rafts men of the river of Piave in the Veneto region.

Time to prepare: About 21 hours.
core temperature for smoker: 80 degrees Celsius.

✅Cut 1.8 Kilo round beef stake into strips.

✅Marinate the meat:
– 4 or 5 bay leaves
– ½ tablespoon of cloves
– 2 tablespoons of rosemary
– 1 tablespoon with juniper berries
– ½ tablespoon of black pepper
– 3 cloves of onion
– 1 tablespoon coarse salt
– 2 tablespoons of thyme
– 30cl apple cider
– 1 glass of water

Let the marinade boil for 5 minutes

Put the meat and the marinade in a plastic vacuum bag and close it. Put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

✅ cold smoke
– Add a glass of cold water, Install your cold smoke installation.
Tip! Use Borniak Beech wood smoke moth for a tasty end result.
– After 24 hours, remove the vacuum bag with meat and marinade from the refrigerator.
– Hang the meat strips on S hooks and hang them in the smoker.
Start cold smoking for 7 hours.
– Stop smoking after 7 hours.
Take the fan for the Borniak oven and let the meat rest for 7 hours
– After the 7 hours of rest, set the cooking temperature to 80 degrees Celsius and keep it that way for 6 or 7 hours. There is no need to smoke in this final phase.
– After 6 / 7 hours the meat is ready! Enjoy the delicious Pendole Smoked Beef!

Youtube explanation Gerard Master BBQ:

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