How to smoke in Borniak Smokers

Congratulations @Wędzarnicza Brać® on 20 years of outstanding work, and thank yo… > Borniak Smokers UK

Congratulations @Wędzarnicza Brać® on 20 years of outstanding work, and thank you for promoting Poland’s food smoking tradition! We are honored to be invited into such a noble group and to have the opportunity to share our passion with you!
With sincere appreciation,
The Borniak Team Borniak Polska
Also thanks to @chef_lukasz_szymon_gamon

#Borniak #borniak_smokers #wedzarniczabrać by Borniak Smokers UK


2 thoughts on “Congratulations @Wędzarnicza Brać® on 20 years of outstanding work, and thank yo… > Borniak Smokers UK

  1. Kester says:


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