How to smoke in Borniak Smokers

Quick look into the Borniak 150credit @east_island_bbqCaption from Tom @ea…


Quick look into the Borniak 150

🎬 credit @east_island_bbq

Caption from Tom @east_island_bbq
“there were, during the hot smoking process, nut ham, pork tenderloin, and my first smoked pork loin.
Too bad you can’t smell it. It’s simply fantastic!”

Hi Tom,
Thank you for demostrate #Borniak smoker 150. Watching your video, I can smell its fragrance. 😁

Hi Tom, I hope you don’t mind that I shortened the video because my German is not good enough, and auto captions can’t translate it accurately. But even without translation, I still understand the delicious food, haha, it’s the universal language. 😋”

#bornaik #borniak_smokers


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